
Title Author Publisher Year Notes Class Code Shelf Loan Copy
Highest yoga tantra: an introduction to the esoteric Buddhism of Tibet Cozort, Daniel, 1953-

Daniel Cozort.
Ithaca: Snow Lion 1986 180.9851 COZ
A history of Buddhist philosophy: continuities and discontinuities Kalupahana, David J., 1933-
Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press 1992
Three Tibetan mysteries: Tchrimekundan, Nansal, Djroazanmo, as performed in the Tibetan monasteries Bacot, Jacques, 1877-1965.

translated from the French version of Jacques Bacot (with an introduction, notes, and index) by H.I. Woolf. llustrated from native designs by V. Goloubew.
London / New York: Routledge / Dutton 180.965 BAC
Ocean of wisdom: guidelines for living Bstan-'dzin-rgya-mtsho, Dalai Lama XIV, 1935-

the Dalai Lama of Tibet; foreword by Richard Gere; photographs by Marcia Keegan.
Santa Fe: Clear Light Publishers 1989 Revised ed. of: Keegan, Marcia (comp.), The Dalai Lama's historic visit to North America. 1981. 180.91 BST / OCE
Advice from a spiritual friend : Buddhist thought transformation. Rev. ed. Rabten, Geshe, 1920-1986. ; Ngawang Dhargyey, 1925-

Geshe Rabten and Geshe Ngawang Dhargyey ; translated and edited by Brian Beresford with Gonsar Tulku and Sherpa Tulku.
London : Wisdom 1984 Reprint. First published : India, 1977. 180.9823 RAB / ADV
The sublime path of the victorious ones Office of His Holiness the Dalai Lama.

compiled by the Office of His Holiness the Dalai Lama.
Dharamsala: Library of Tibetan Works & Archives 1981 "A book of Buddhist liturgies meant for recitation at the places of Buddhist pilgrimage, at times of the year astrologically connected with the life of Buddha Shakyamuni, at public gatherings where such a rite is required, or as a daily reading practice for interested individuals." 180.965 DAL / SUB
Calm and insight: a Buddhist manual for meditators Khantipalo, Bhikkhu, 1932-

Bhikkhu Khantipalo.
London: Curzon Press 1984 Reprint. First published: 1981. 181.9 KHA / CAL
Concept and reality in early Buddhist thought: an essay on 'papanca' and 'papanca-sanna-sankha' Nanananda, Bhikkhu, 1940-

Bhikkhu Nanananda.
Kandy: Buddhist Publication Society 1986 Reprint. First published: 1971. 181.022 NAN / CON
Practical insight meditation: basic and progressive stages Sobhana, Mahā caññʻ Cha rā toʻ ʾA rhaṅʻ, 1904-1982.

the Venerable Mahasi Sayadaw (U Sobhana Mahathera) of Burma; translated from the Burmese by U Pe Thin and Myanaung U Tin.
Kandy: Buddhist Publication Society 1984 Reprint. First published: 1971. 181.9 VIP / SAY
The progress of insight : a treatise on Buddhist Satipaṭṭhāna meditation Sobhana, Mahā caññʻ Cha rā toʻ ʾA rhaṅʻ, 1904-1982.

by the Venerable Mahasi Sayadaw (U Sobhana Mahathera) of Burma ; English translation with notes by Nyanaponika Thera with the original Pali text.
Kandy : Buddhist Publication Society 1985 Reprint. 3rd ed. first published : 1978. 181.9 VIP / SAY