
Title Author Publisher Year Notes Class Code Shelf Loan Copy
The central philosophy of Tibet, a study and translation of "Essence of true eloquence" Tson-kha-pa Blo-bzan-grags-pa, 1357-1419.

translated with an introduction by Robert Thurman.
Princeton: Princeton University Press 1991 Reprint. First published as: Tsong Khapa's speech of gold in the essence of true eloquence, 1984. 180.9851 TSO / THU
The arts and crafts of India and Ceylon Coomaraswamy, Ananda Kentish, 1877-1947.
London: T.N. Foulis 1913
The precious garland [by] Nāgārjuna, and, The song of the four mindfulnesses Nāgārjuna, 2nd cent.

Nāgārjuna ; Kaysang Gyatso, Seventh Dalai Lama ; translated and edited by Jeffrey Hopkins and Lati Rimpoche, with Anne Klein ; foreword by Tenzin Gyatso, Fourteenth Dalai Lama.
New York : Harper & Row 1975 180.944 RAT / HOP
Nirvana : a story of Buddhist psychology Carus, Paul, 1852-1919.

by Paul Carus ; illustrations by Kwasong Suzuki.
Chicago : Open Court 1902 180 CAR
Travels of Fah-hian and Sung-yun, Buddhist pilgrims, from China to India (400 A.D. and 518 A.D.) Beal, Samuel (tr.)
London: Trübner 1869
Gentle bridges: conversations with the Dalai Lama on the sciences of the mind Bstan-'dzin-rgya-mtsho, Dalai Lama XIV, 1935-

edited by Jeremy W. Hayward and Francisco J. Varela.
Boston & London: Shambhala 1992 146 BST / GEN
Buddha in the palm of your hands Tendzin, Ösel, 1943-

Ösel Tendzin; foreword by Chogyam Trungpa; edited by Donna Holm.
Boston & London: Shambhala 1982 180.9841 TEN / BUD
Buddhist meditation Conze, Edward, 1904-1979.

by Edward Conze.
London: Allen & Unwin 1959 Reprint. First published: 1956. 181.9 CON
The garland of Mahamudra practices. A translation of Kunga Rinchen's Clarifying the jewel rosary of the Profound Fivefold Path Kun-dga'-rin-chen, 1475-1527.

translated and introduced by Khenpo Rinpochay Konchok Gyaltsen; co-translated and edited by Katherine Rogers.
Ithaca: Snow Lion 1986 180.9841 KUN / GYA
Selected works of the Dalai Lama I: bridging the sutras and tantras. 2nd ed. Dge-'dun-grub, Dalai Lama I, 1391-1474.

compiled, edited, and translated by Glenn H. Mullin; assistant editors, Sidney Piburn, Anne Kandt, and Christina Cox; illustrations by Kevin Rigby and Saki Takezawa.
Ithaca: Snow Lion 1985 180.9851 DGE / SEL