
Title Author Publisher Year Notes Class Code Shelf Loan Copy
A history of the Sikhs. Vol. 2: 1839 - 1974 Singh, Kushwant

by Kushwant Singh.
Delhi: Oxford University Press 1977 Reprint. First published: Princeton Univ. Press, 1963. 168.2 SIN
A history of the Sikhs. Vol. 1: 1469 - 1839 Singh, Kushwant

by Kushwant Singh.
Delhi: Oxford University Press 1977 Reprint. First published: Princeton Univ. Press, 1963. 168.2 SIN
Meditations-sutras des Mahayana-Buddhismus. Band 2 Muralt, Raoul von

tr. by Raoul von Muralt.
Berne: Origo 1988 183 MUR
Meditations-sutras des Mahayana-Buddhismus. Band 1 Muralt, Raoul von

tr. by Raoul von Muralt.
Berne: Origo 1988 183 MUR
Le traité de la grande vertu de sagesse (Mahaprajnaparamitasastra). Tome 3, chapitres XXX1-XL11 Nagarjuna, 2nd cent.

translated from the Sanskrit by Étienne Lamotte.
Louvain: Institut Orientaliste, Université de Louvain 1970 Reprint. First published: 1944-. 183.91 MAH
A dictionary of Buddhist terms and concepts Nichiren Shoshu International Center

Nichiren Shoshu International Center.
Tokyo: NSIC 1988 Reprint. First published: 1983. 180.03 NSI
Agni: the Vedic ritual of the fire altar. Vol. 2 Staal, Frits

edited by Frits Staal; with the assistance of Pamela MacFarland.
Delhi etc.: Motilal Banarsidass 1986 Reprint. First published: 1983. 168.02 STA
Agni: the Vedic ritual of the fire altar. Vol. 1 Staal, Frits

by Frits Staal; in collaboration with C.V. Somayajipad & M. Itti Ravi Nambudiri; photographs by Adelaide deMenil.
Delhi etc.: Motilal Banarsidass 1986 Reprint. First published: 1983. 168.02 STA
Le concile de Lhasa: une controverse sur le quiétisme entre bouddhistes de l'Inde et de la Chine au VIIIe siecle de l'ère chrétienne. Vol. 1. 2nd ed. Demiéville, Paul

by Paul Demiéville.
Paris: Collège de France 1987 182 DEM
Symbolik der Tibetischen Religionen und der Schamanismus Hoffmann, Helmut

by Helmut Hoffmann.
Stuttgart: Hiersemann 1967 HOF