
Title Author Publisher Year Notes Class Code Shelf Loan Copy
Pāli grammar : the language of the canonical texts of Theravāda Buddhism. Vol. 1 : phonology and morphology Oberlies, Thomas

Thomas Oberlies.
Bristol : Pali Text Society 2019 829.89 PAL / OBE
Buddhism and the fourth industrial revolution International Buddhist Conference on the United Nations Day of Vesak Celebrations (2019 : Hanoi, Vietnam)

editors: Most Ven. Dr. Thich Nhat Tu and Most Ven. Dr. Thich Duc Thien.
Hanoi : Hong Duc Publishing House 2019 180 UN 2019 / THI
Consumption and environment : a sustainable perspective International Buddhist Conference on the United Nations Day of Vesak Celebrations (2019 : Hanoi, Vietnam)

editor : Most Ven. Dr. Thich Nhat Tu.
Hanoi : Hong Duc Publishing House 2019 180 UN 2019 / TU
Family and society : a Buddhist perspective International Buddhist Conference on the United Nations Day of Vesak Celebrations (2019 : Hanoi, Vietnam)

editor : Most Ven. Dr. Thich Nhat Tu.
Hanoi : Hong Duc Publishing House 2019 180 UN 2019 / TU
Buddhist approach to global education in ethics International Buddhist Conference on the United Nations Day of Vesak Celebrations (2019 : Hanoi, Vietnam)

editors: Most Ven. Dr. Thich Nhat Tu, Most Ven. Dr. Thich Duc Thien.
Hanoi : Hong Duc Publishing House 2019 180 UN 2019 / THI
Buddhist approach to harmonious families, healthcare and sustainable societies International Buddhist Conference on the United Nations Day of Vesak Celebrations (2019 : Hanoi, Vietnam)

edited by Most Ven. Dr. Thich Nhat Tu and Most Ven. Dr. Thich Duc Thien.
Hanoi : Hong Duc Publishing House 2019 180 UN 2019 / THI
Statui͡a Maĭtrei v zolotom khrame v Lavrane Baradiĭn, Badzar

Badzar Baradiĭn.
Tokyo : Meicho-Fukyū-Kai 1977 Compiled 1924. 183 BIB
Обзор sobranīi︠a︡ предметов lamaĭskago kulʹt. Vol. VI Ukhtomskīĭ, Ė.Ė. (Ėsper Ėsperovich), 1861-1921.

kulʹta kn. Ė.Ė. Ukhtomskago ; sostavil A. Gri︠u︡nvedelʹ.
Tokyo : Meicho-Fukyū-Kai 1977 Compiled 1905. 183 BIB
Sbornik izobraženij 300 burchanov po alʹbomu Aziatskago Muzeja Oldenburg, Sergej Fedorovič, 1863-1934.

s primečanijami izdal S.F. Oldenburg.
Tokyo : Meicho-Fukyū-Kai 1977 Compiled 1903. 183 BIB
Buddhism and the menopause O'Brien, Claire

Claire O'Brien.
Oxford : Mud Pie Books 2019 180 WOM / OBR