
Title Author Publisher Year Notes Class Code Shelf Loan Copy
Buddhist moral philosophy : an introduction Gowans, Christopher W.

Christopher W. Gowans.
New York & London : Routledge 2015 181.6 GOW
Making transcendents : ascetics and social memory in early medieval China Campany, Robert Ford, 1959-

Robert Ford Campany.
Honolulu : University of Hawai'i Press 2017 Reprint. First published : 2009. 166.5 CAM
A garden of marvels : tales of wonder from early medieval China Campany, Robert Ford, 1959-

Robert Ford Campany.
Honolulu : University of Hawai'i Press 2015 923 CAM
Mindfully facing disease and death : compassionate advice from early Buddhist texts Anālayo, 1962-

Cambridge : Windhorse 2016 181.9 MAD / ANA
Tsunesaburo Makiguchi (1871-1944) : educational philosophy in context Goulah, Jason ; Gebert, Andrew

edited by Jason Goulah and Andrew Gebert.
London & New York : Routledge 2014 371.1 TSU / MAK
A blaze of moments : photographs and poems Ikeda, Daisaku

by Daisaku Ikeda.
Tokyo : Soka Gakkai 2016 188.985 IKE / BLA
Buddhist higher education in Japan Pruden, Leo M.

compiled by L.M. Pruden.
author 182.1 PRU
Buddhist boot camp Hawkeye, Timber

by Timber Hawkeye.
New York : HarperCollins 2013 180 HAW
Echoes of Alexander the Great : silk route portraits from Gandhara : a private collection Wenzel, Marian

text and catalogue by Marian Wenzel.
London : Eklisa Anstalt 2000 702.09825 GAN / WEN
Die Seidenstraße : Malereien und Plastiken aus buddhistischen Höhlentempeln : aus der Sammlung des Museums für Indische Kunst Berlin
The Silk Road : paintings and sculptures from Buddhist temples : from the collection of the Museum of Indian Art, Berlin
Härtel, Herbert ; Yaldiz, Marianne

H. Härtel, M. Yaldiz.
Berlin : Museums für Indische Kunst 1987 702.098228 SEI