
Title Author Publisher Year Notes Class Code Shelf Loan Copy
The light of Asia or the great renunciation (Mahabhinishkramana) being the life and teaching of Gautama, Prince of India and founder of Buddhism Arnold, Edwin, Sir, 1832-1904.

by Sir Edwin Arnold.
London: Routledge 1978 Reprint. 182.8 ARN
Le moine bouddhiste: selon les textes du Theravada Wijayaratna, Mohan

Mohan Wijayaratna.
Paris: Éditions du Cerf 1983 185.7 WIJ
The religion of China: Confucianism and Taoism Weber, Max

Max Weber; translated from the German & edited by Hans H. Gerth; with an introduction by C.K. Yang.
New York: Free Press 1951 161.3222 WEB
Religious ferment in Asia Miller, Robert James, 1923-

edited by R.J. Miller.
Kansas: University Press of Kansas 1974 "Most of the papers ... were originally presented at the Midwestern Conference on Asian Studies (1969)." 162.2 MIL
Religion and nothingness Nishitani, Keiji, 1900--1990.

Keiji Nishitani ; translated, with an introduction by Jan Van Bragt ; foreword by Winston L. King.
Berkeley etc. : UCAL Press 1982 121.6 NIS / REL
The history and theology of Soka Gakkai: a Japanese new religion Metraux, Daniel Alfred

Daniel Metraux.
Lewiston: Edwin Mellen Press 1988 188.98 MET
Celebrations of death: the anthropology of mortuary ritual Huntington, Richard
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 1979 390 HUN
Funktion der religion Luhmann, Niklas, 1927-1998.

Niklas Luhmann.
Frankfurt : Suhrkamp 1977 161 LUH
Le figuier a cinq branches: recherche sur le bouddhisme Khmer
The five-branched fig tree: research on Cambodian Buddhism
Bizot, François

by François Bizot.
Paris: École française d'Extrême-Orient 1976 182.235 BIZ
Culture and communication: the logic by which symbols are connected Leach, Edmund

by Edmund Leach.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 1976 10th reprint 1987. 389 LEA