
Title Author Publisher Year Notes Class Code Shelf Loan Copy
El Buda viviente : una biografía interpretativa
The living Buddha : an interpretive biography
Ikeda, Daisaku

Daisaku Ikeda ; traducción Alberto Luis Bixio.
Buenos Aires : Emecé Editores 1982 182.8 IKE / LIV
The living Buddha : an interpretive biography Ikeda, Daisaku

by Daisaku Ikeda ; translated from the Japanese by Burton Watson.
New York & Tokyo : Weatherhill 1995 Reprint. First published : 1976. 182.8 IKE / LIV
Le bouddhisme, le premier millénaire
Buddhism, the first millennium
Ikeda, Daisaku

Daisaku Ikeda ; traduit et adapté de l'anglais par René de Berval.
Monaco : Rocher 1985 182 IKE / BUD
Budismo, primer milenio
Buddhism, the first millennium
Ikeda, Daisaku

Daisaku Ikeda ; traducción de Rosendo Ferrán Herrero.
Madrid : Taurus 1988 182 IKE / BUD
Budismo, el primer milenio
Buddhism, the first millennium
Ikeda, Daisaku

Daisaku Ikeda; traducció nslated by Alberto Luis Bixio ; révisión técnica Carmen Dragonetti.
Buenos Aires : Emecé 1983 182 IKE / BUD
Budismo, o primeiro milênio
Buddhism, the first millennium
Ikeda, Daisaku

Daisaku Ikeda ; tradução de Ruy Jungmann.
Rio : Editora Record 182 IKE / BUD
Buddhismus, das erste Jahrtausend
Buddhism, the first millennium
Ikeda, Daisaku

Daisaku Ikeda ; übertragen von Alexander Potyka und Matthias Pongrazc.
München : Nymphenburger 1986 182 IKE / BUD
Buddhism, the first millennium Ikeda, Daisaku

Daisaku Ikeda ; translated from Japanese by Burton Watson.
New York & Tokyo : Kodansha International. 1987 182 IKE / BUD
O Budismo na China
The flower of Chinese Buddhism
Ikeda, Daisaku

Daisaku Ikeda; translated from the English by Haroldo Netto.
Rio: Editora Record Translation of the English version of: Zoku Watakushi no Bukkyokan. Tokyo: Daisan Bunmeisha, 1976. 182.22 IKE / FLO
Buddhismo in Cina
The flower of Chinese Buddhism
Ikeda, Daisaku

Daisaku Ikeda; translated from the Japanese by Daniela Sagramosa.
Milan: Bompiani 1987 Translation of the English version of: Zoku Watakushi no Bukkyokan. Tokyo, 1986. 182.22 IKE / FLO