
Title Author Publisher Year Notes Class Code Shelf Loan Copy
Prince Shōtoku's commentary on the Śrīmālā Sutra (Taishō vol. 56, no. 2185) Shōtoku Taishi, 574?-622?, Dennis, Mark W.

translated from the Chinese by Mark W. Dennis.
Berkeley : Bukkyo Dendo Kyokai America, Inc. 2011 183 BDK
The expository commentary on the Vimalakīrti Sutra (Taishō vol. 56, no. 2186) Numata Center for Buddhist Translation and Research, Hubbard, Jamie

translated from the Chinese by Jamie Hubbard.
Berkeley : Bukkyo Dendo Kyokai America, Inc. 2012 183 BDK
Discovering diversity: how the diverse values and beliefs of world religions are shaping our identity Armstrong, Jocelyn

Jocelyn Armstrong.
North Shore, NZ: Pearson 2009 165 ARM
Tibetan art Chandra, Lokesh

Lokesh Chandra.
Old Saybrook: Konecky & Konecky 2008 "This edition published by special arrangement with Niyogi Books." 702.098229 CHA / TIB
Buddhist art in praise of the divine Sasibala, 1956-

Dr. Shashibala; foreword by Dr. Lokesh Chandra.
New Delhi: Lustre Press & Roli Books 2003 702.098 SHA
Wonder-tales of South Asia: translated from Hindi, Urdu, Nepali and Persian Digby, Simon

translated by Simon Digby; edited by Leonard Harrow.
Jersey: Orient Monographs 2000 388.2 DIG
When Jesus lived in India: the quest for the Aquarian Gospel: the mystery of the missing years Jacobs, Alan

Alan Jacobs.
London Watkins Publishing 2009 192.8 JAC
Memoirs of a political officer's wife in Tibet, Sikkim amd Bhutan Williamson, Margaret D. 1906-

Magaret D. Williamson; in collaboration with John Snelling; foreword by Dzasa Jigme Taring.
London: Wisdom 1987 289 WIL / MEM
Mediating the power of Buddhas : ritual in the Mañjuśrīmūlakalpa Wallis, Glenn

Glenn Wallis.
Albany : State University of New York Press 2002 183.7 MAN / WAL
Vizualising a Buddhist sutra: text and figure in Himalayan art Thakur, Laxman S.

Laxman S. Thakur.
New Delhi: Oxford University Press 2006 183.4 GAN / THA