
Title Author Publisher Year Notes Class Code Shelf Loan Copy
Studies on hysteria Freud, Sigmund, 1856-1939. & Breuer, Josef, 1842-1925.

Josef Breuer and Sigmund Freud; translated by James and Alix Strachey; edited by James and Alix Strachey assisted by Angela Richards; the present volume edited by Angela Richards.
London: Penguin 1991 First published 1974, as vol. 3 of the Pelican Freud library. Translation of: Studien über Hysterie. 146.1 FRE
New introductory lectures on psychoanalysis Freud, Sigmund, 1856-1939.

Sigmund Freud; translated by James Strachey; edited by Jame Strachey assisted by Angela Richards.
London: Penguin 1991 146.1 FRE
Introductory lectures on psychoanalysis Freud, Sigmund, 1856-1939.

Sigmund Freud; translated by James Strachey; edited by Jame Strachey and Angela Richards.
London: Penguin 1991 Translation originally published in 'The standard edition of the complete psychoanalytical works of Sigmund Freud', vols. 15 and 16. London: Hogarth Press, Institute of Psychoanalysis, 1963. - Translation of 'Vorlesungen zur Einfuhrung in die Psychoanalyse'. Leipzig; Wien [Vienna]: [s.n.], 1916-17 146.1 FRE
Beat Zen, square Zen and Zen Watts, Alan, 1915-1973.

Alan W. Watts.
San Francisco: City Lights Books 1959 188.8 WAT / BEA
Buddhist action: British writing on socially engaged Buddhism Charlesworth, Tony & Teare, Eric

edited by Tony Charlesworth & Eric Teare; introduction by Ken Jones.
Peel: Network of Engaged Buddhists Selected from "Indra's Network", Journal of Engaged Buddhists. 187.6 IND
Recollecting bodhisattvas Wat Marp Chan, Rayong, Thailand

Wat Marp Chan.
Bangkok: Papyrus Publication 2007 181.5 AVA / WAT
Dharamsala: a guide to little Lhasa in India Dept. of Information and International Relations, Dharamsala

Dept. of Information and International Relations.
Dharamsala: Dept. of Information and International Relations 1999 225.8 DHA / DEP
Secondary motivation. I: personal motivation Cohen, Jozef, 1921-

Jozef Cohen.
Chicago: Rand McNally 1970 140 COH
Rabindranath Tagore: the myriad-minded man Dutta, Krishna & Robinson, Andrew

Krishna Dutt and Andrew Robinson.
London: Bloomsbury 1997 Reprint. First published: 1995. 289 TAG / RAB
The heart as origami: contemporary Buddhist poets Padmacandra (Pippa Meek)

edited by Padmacandra (Pippa Meek); with Julia Harris and Subhadramati.
London: Rising Fire Press 2005 186.5 PAD