
Title Author Publisher Year Notes Class Code Shelf Loan Copy
Two lamaistic pantheons. Vol. II Clark, Walter Eugene, b. 1881.

edited with introduction and indexes by Walter Eugene Clark from materials collected by the late Baron A. von Stael-Holstein.
Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press 1937 702.098229 CLA
Zen and Zen classics. Vol. 7: twenty-five Zen essays Blyth, Reginald Horace.

R.H. Blyth.
Tokyo: Hokuseido Press 1962 188.83 BLY
A brief history of early Chinese philosophy Suzuki, Daisetz Teitaro, 1870-1966.

by Daisetz Teitaro Suzuki.
London: Probsthain 1914 "Originally published in "The Monist" (1907-1908) as three separate articles."--Pref. 122 SUZ
An anthology of Japanese poems Miyamori, Asataro, 1869-1952.

translated and annotated by Miyamori Asataro.
Tokyo: Maruzen 1938 911 MIY
Rama retold Mene, Aubrey

Aubrey Menen.
London: Chatto & Windus 1954 126.51 MEN
Mythologie du Buddhisme au Tibet et en Mongolie, basée sur la collection Lamaïque du Prince Oukhtomsky Grünwedel, Albert, 1856-1935.

par Albert Grünwedel; ave une préface du Prince Oukhtomsky.
Leipzig: F.A. Brockhaus 1900 702.098229 GRU
Guide-catalogue du Musée Guimet: les collections bouddhiques (exposé historique et iconographique), Inde centrale et Gandhara, Turkestan, Chine septentrionale, Tibet Hackin, Joseph, 1886-1941.

par J. Hackin.
Paris & Bruxelles: G. van Oest & cie. 1923 Reprint. 702.098 MUS / HAC
The adventures of Hajji Baba of Ispahan. 2nd ed. Morier, James Justinian, 1780?-1849.

James Morier.
London etc.: Harrap 1948 Reprint. 929.9 MOR
Advanced course in yoga philosophy and oriental occultism Ramacharaka, Yogi, 1862-1932.

by Yogi Ramacharaka.
London: Fowler 126.66 ADV / RAM
Interpreting religious text : Soka Gakkai on the meaning of the spiritual as political action Fisker-Neilsen, Anne Mette

Anne Mette Fisker-Neilsen.
Author 2006 No quoting without author's permission. 188.98 KOM / FIS