
Title Author Publisher Year Notes Class Code Shelf Loan Copy
Britain and Japan: a comparative economic and social history since 1900 Brown, Kenneth D.

Kenneth D. Brown.
Manchester & New York: Manchester University Press 1998 332 BRO
Fighting for peace : poems Ikeda, Daisaku

by Daisaku Ikeda ; translated by Andrew Gebert.
Berkeley: Creative Arts Book Company 2004 188.985 IKE / FIG
The encyclopedia of Christianity. Vol. 5 : Si-Z Fahlbusch, Erwin ... [et al.]

editors, Erwin Fahlbusch ... et al. ; translator and English-language editor, Geoffrey W. Bromiley ; statistical editor : David B. Barrett.
Grand Rapids etc./Leiden etc. : Eerdmans / Brill 2008 190.03 ENC
Chinese electronic Tripitaka collection version 2008: Taisho Tripitaka, vols. 1-55 & 85; Shinshan Zokuzokyo (Xuzangjing), vols. 1-88 Chinese Buddhist Electronic Text Association (CBETA), Tripitaka

Chinese Buddhist Electronic Text Association.
Taipei: Chinese Buddhist Electronic Text Association 2008 183 T / CHI
Den levande Buddha : en uttolkande biografi
The living Buddha : an interpretive biography
Ikeda, Daisaku

Daisaku Ikeda ; översättning Öjevind Lång.
Solna : Lettura 1989 182.8 IKE / LIV
Nyanaponika: a hundred years from birth Bodhi, Bhikkhu

Bhikkhu Bodhi.
Kandy: Buddhist Publication Society 2001 182.88 NYA / BOD
Udānavarga de Subaši : édition critique du manuscrit sanskrit sur bois provenant de Subaši, Bibliothèque Nationale de Paris, Fonds Pelliot. Tome II : planches Nakatani, H. (Hideaki), 1947-, Dharmatrāta.

par H. Nakatani.
Paris : Collège de France, Institut de civilisation indienne 1987 183.19 UDA / NAK
Udānavarga de Subaši : édition critique du manuscrit sanskrit sur bois provenant de Subaši, Bibliothèque Nationale de Paris, Fonds Pelliot. Tome I Nakatani, H. (Hideaki), 1947-, Dharmatrāta.

par H. Nakatani.
Paris : Collège de France, Institut de civilisation indienne 1987 183.19 UDA / NAK
After Alexander: Central Asia before Islam Cribb, Joe & Herrmann, Georgina

edited by Joe Cribb and Georgina Herrmann.
Oxford etc.: Oxford University Press 2008 Reprint. First published: 2007. 222.8 AFT
Upalipariprcchasutra: Ein Text zur buddhistischen Ordensdiziplin Stache-Rosen, Valentina

aus dem Chinesischen übersetzt und den Pali-Parallelen gegenübergestellt von Valentina Stache-Rosen; herausgegeben von Heinz Bechert.
Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht 1984 183.84 UPA / STA