
Title Author Publisher Year Notes Class Code Shelf Loan Copy
East Asian books. Catalogue 19 Sam Fogg Rare Books and Manuscripts

catalogue by Bob Miller, Meher McArthur, Wei Chen-hsuan and Sam Fogg; photography by Matt Pia.
London: Sam Fogg Rare Books and Manuscripts 1998 183 FOG
Tibetan manuscripts Mignucci, Aldo

introduction by Aldo Mignucci.
London: Sam Fogg 2001 180.93 FOG
Manuscripts of the Silk Road Fendall, Ramsey & Kwiatkowski, Will

text by Ramsey Fendall and Will Kwiatkowski.
London: Sam Fogg 2004 702.098228 DUN / FOG
The art of living: an introduction to Nichiren Buddhism and SGI The Art of Living

Art of Living.
Taplow: SGI-UK 2004 Art of Living special issue. 188.98 AoL
Soka Gakkai International: an introduction Soka Gakkai International (SGI)

Soka Gakkai International.
Tokyo: SGI 2006 188.98 SGI
The religious perspective, &, The sense of the holy. Course book for The Open University Arts foundation course: units 19 & 20. Rev. ed. Clark, Francis & Williams, Pau, 1950-l

unit 19 prepared by Francis Clark for the course team; unit 20 prepared by Paul Williams for the course team.
Milton Keynes: Open University Press 1981 161.1 OPE
Hindu patterns of liberation. Course book for Open University Arts/Social Sciences: an interfaculty second level course. Man's Religious Quest, units 6, 7 and 8 Smart, Ninian, 1927-2001. ; McDermott, Robert

Units 6 & 7 written by Ninian Smart for the course team; unit 8 written by Robert McDermott for the course team.
Milton Keynes: Open University Press 1988 Unit 6: The making of early Hinduism; Unit 7: Classical Hindu philosophy and theology; Unit 8: Modern Hinduism: Gandhi and Aurobindu. 168 OPE
Tibetan tale of love and magic David-Neel, Alexandra, 1868-1969.

Alexandra David-Neel; translated from the French by Vidar L'Estrange.
St. Helier: Neville Spearman 1983 Translation of: Magie d'amour et magie noir. Paris: Linraire Plon, 1938. 929.3 DAV
The joyous cosmology: adventures in the chemistry of consciousness Watts, Alan, 1915-1973.

Alan W. Watts; foreword by Timothy Leary and Richard Alpert.
New York: Vintage Books 1965 Reprint. First published: Pantheon Books, 1962. 145 WAT
The life of Marpa the translator: seeing accomplishes all Nalanda Translation Committee

Tsang Nyön Heruka; translated from the Tibetan by the Nalanda Translation Committee, under the direction of Chögyam Trungpa.
Boulder: Prajna Press 1982 180.984288 MAR / NAL