
Title Author Publisher Year Notes Class Code Shelf Loan Copy
The Dalai Lama: the institution Rahul, Ram

Ram Rahul.
New Delhi: Vikas 1995 180.985288 DAL / RAH
In exile from the land of snows Avedon, John F.

John F. Avedon.
London: Wisdom 1985 Reprint. First published: New York: Knopf, 1984. 222.9 AVE
Tibet: my story: an autobiography Jetsun Pema

Jetsun Pema; translated by Geraldine Le Roy and James Mayor.
London: Element 1998 Translation of: Tibet, mon histoire. Paris: Éditions Ramsay, 1996. 289 PEM
The Vajra Garland and the Lotus Garland: treasure biographies of Padmakara and Vairochana Kon-sprul Blo-gros-mtha'-yas, 1813-1899.

translated by Yeshe Gyamtso.
Woodstock, NY: KTD Publications 2005 180.981288 KON / GYA
Once the Buddha was a monkey: Arya Sura's Jatakamala Āryaśūra.

translated from the Sanskrit by Peter Khoroche; with a foreword by Wendy Doniger.
Chicago & London: University of Chicago Press 2006 Reprint. First published: 1989. 183.19 JAT / KHO
Making pilgrimages: meaning and practice in Shikoku Reader, Ian

Ian Reader.
Honolulu: University of Hawai'i Press 1998 182.1 REA
Into Tibet: the CIA's first atomic spy and his secret expedition to Lhasa Laird, Thomas

Thomas Laird.
New York: Grove Press 2002 222.9 LAI
A philological approach to Buddhism: the Bukkyo Dendai Kyokai Lectures 1994. 2nd ed. Norman, K.R.

by K.R. Norman.
Lancaster: Pali Text Society 2006 829.89 PAL / NOR
Masterpieces of traditional Indian architecture Grover, Satish

Satish Grover.
New Delhi: Roli Books 2004 522.5 GRO
Hidden faces of India Mohan, Palani

Mohan Palani.
Sydney: New Holland 2002 225 MOH