
Title Author Publisher Year Notes Class Code Shelf Loan Copy
The Nichiren extant mandala collection : photos and diagrams with English translation Nichiren Mandala Study Workshop

Nichiren Mandala Study Workshop.
Internet : Lulu Press 2016 188.96 NIC / EXT
The mandala in Nichiren Buddhism. Part three : analysis of the mandala structure and development of the Gohonzon within successive Nichiren lineages Nichiren Mandala Study Workshop

Nichiren Mandala Study Workshop.
Internet : Lulu Press 2014 188.96 NIC
The mandala in Nichiren Buddhism. Special edition Nichiren Mandala Study Workshop

Nichiren Mandala Study Workshop.
Internet : Lulu Press 2014 Specially prepared for SGI, Nichiren Shoshu Taiseki-ji & Fuji School adherents -- no photographs. 188.96 NIC / SPE
The Bible and its background. Vol. 2 : New Testament. 2nd ed. Robertson, Archibald, 1886-

by Archibald Robertson.
London : Watts & Co. 1949 193 ROB
The monastery and the microscope : conversations with the Dalai Lama on mind, mindfulness, and the nature of reality Hasenkamp, Wendy ; White, Janna R.

edited by Wendy Hasenkamp with Janna R. White.
New Haven & London : Yale University Press 2017 180.91 MON
The essence of scholasticism : Abhidharmahṛdaya T1550. Rev ed. with a completely new introduction Willemen, Charles

Charles Willemen.
Delhi : Motilal Banarsidass 2006 Reprint. First published as : The essence of metaphysics. Bruxelles : Institut belge des hautes études bouddiques, 1975. 183.92 DHA / WIL
Buddhist women meditators of Sri Lanka Snell, Helle

Helle Snell.
Kandy : Buddhist Publication Society 2001 182.259 SNE
Early Ch'an in China and Tibet Lai, Whalen ; Lancaster, Lewis R.

edited by Whalen Lai and Lewis R. Lancaster.
Berkeley : University of California 1983 188.8222 EAR
Die angewandte Aufklärung : Gesellschaft und Soziologie in Amerika
Applied enlightenment : society and sociology in America
Dahrendorf, Ralf, 1929-2009.

Ralf Dahrendorf.
München : R. Piper 1963 361.253 DAH / ANG
Miscellaneous writings 1883-1896 Eddy, Mary Baker, 1821-1910.

by Mary Baker Eddy.
Boston : Trustees Under Will of Mary Baker G. Eddy 1924 Reprint. 198.97 EDD / MIS