
Title Author Publisher Year Notes Class Code Shelf Loan Copy
The Essentials of the Vinaya Tradition (Taishō, volume 74, number 2348 ; The collected teachings of the Tendai Lotus School (Taishō, volume 74, number 2366) Gyōnen, 1240-1321., Gishin, 781-833.

by Gyōnen ; translated from the Japanese by Leo M. Pruden. The collected teachings of the Tendai Lotus School / by Gishin ; translated from the Japanese by Paul L. Swanson.
Berkeley, Calif. : Numata Center for Buddhist Translation and Research 1995 BQ 8784 .RIS GYO
Senchaku hongan nembutsu shū : a Collection of Passages on the Nembutsu Chosen in the Original Vow (Taishō volume 83, number 2608) Hōnen, 1133-1212., Augustine, Morris J.

compiled by Genkū (Hōnen) ; translated into English by Morris J. Augustine and Kondō Tesshō.
Berkeley, Calif. : Numata Center for Buddhist Translation and Research 1997 BQ 8649 HON / SEN
Tannishō : passages deploring deviations of faith (Taishō, volume 83, number 2661) ; Rennyo Shōnin Ofumi : The letters of Rennyo ( Taishō, volume 74, number 2668) Shinran, 1173-1263. ; Rennyo, 1415-1499., Yuien, -1290.

by Yuien ; translated from the Japanese by Bandō Shōjun in collaboration with Harold Stewart. Rennyo Shōnin Ofumi : the letters of Rennyo / translated from the Japanese (Taishō, volume 74, number 2668) by Ann T. Rogers and Minor L. Rogers.
Berkeley, Calif. : Numata Center for Buddhist Translation and Research 1996 BQ 8749 SHI / TAN
The Essentials of the Eight Traditions (Taisho volume 107-I, number 3) Gyōnen, 1240-1321. ; Saichō, 767-822., Saichō, 767-822. Mappō tōmyōki. English.

by Gyōnen ; translated from the Japanese by Leo M. Pruden. The candle of the latter Dharma / by Saichō ; translated from the Japanese by Robert Rhodes.
Berkeley, Calif. : Numata Center for Buddhist Translation and Research 1994 BQ 7050 GYO
The Scriptural Text : Verses of the Doctrine, with Parables (Taishō volume 10, number 2) Willemen, Charles

translated from the Chinese of Fa-li and Fa-chü (Taishō Volume 4, Number 211) by Charles Willemen.
Berkeley, Calif. : Numata Center for Buddhist Translation and Research 1999 BQ 1389.5 FA / WIL
Three texts on Consciousness Only : Demonstration of Consciousness Only / by Hsüan-tsang. The thirty verses on Consciousness Only / by Vasubandhu. The treatise in twenty verses on Consciousness Only / by Vasubandhu Cook, Francis Harold, 1930-, Xuanzang, approximately 596-664. Cheng wei shi lun. English.

translated from the Chinese of Hsüan-tsang by Francis H. Cook
Berkeley, Calif. : Numata Center for Buddhist Translation and Research 1999 BQ 1012 .WEI HSU / COO
A Comprehensive Commentary on the Heart Sutra (Prajñāpāramita-hṛdaya-sūtra)(Taishō volume 33, number 1710) Kuiji, 632-682., Shih, Heng-ching

translated from the Chinese of K'uei-chi by Heng-ching Shih ; in collaboration with Dan Lusthaus.
Berkeley, Calif. : Numata Center for Buddhist Translation and Research 2001 BQ 1965 .HRD KUI / HEN
The Scripture on the Explication of Underlying Meaning (Taishō volume 16, number 676) Keenan, John P., Xuanzang, approximately 596-664.

translated from the Chinese of Hsüan-tsang by John P. Keenan.
Berkeley, Calif. : Numata Center for Buddhist Translation and Research 2000 BQ 2092 .SAM KEE
Three Chan classics : The recorded sayings of Linji. Wumen' gate. The faith-mind maxim (Taishō volume 47 & 48, numbers 1985, 2005, 2010) Numata Center for Buddhist Translation and Research, Yixuan, -867. Linji lu. English.

translated by J.C. Cleary ; Yoshida Osamu.
Berkeley, Calif. : Numata Center for Buddhist Translation and Research 1999 BQ 9265 THR
Religion and the decline of capitalism : the Holland Lectures for 1949 Demant, V.A. (Vigo Auguste), 1893-1983.

by V.A. Demant.
London : Faber & Faber 1952 190 DEM