
Title Author Publisher Year Notes Class Code Shelf Loan Copy
Primitive religion Lowie, Robert Harry, 1883-1957.

Robert H. Lowies.
New York : Grosset & Dunlap 1952 Reprint. 163 LOW
Religion among the primitives Goode, William Josiah

by William J. Goode, with an introduction by Kingsley Davis.
Glencoe, Ill. : Free Press 1951 163 GOO
Buddhism, magic and society in a southern Sri Lankan town Hodge, Mark

M.C. Hodge.
1981 Author's PhD thesis, University of Manchester, Oct 1981. BQ 356 HOD
Some stylistic features of the prose portions of Pāli canonical sutta texts and their mnemonic function Allon, Mark

by Mark Allon.
1994 Presented as thesis (doctoral)--Cambridge University, 1994. BQ 1115 ALL
Gandhi : the South African experience Tayal, Maureen J.

by Maureen Tayal.
Thesis (D.Phil.)--University of Oxford, 1980 1980 DS 481 .GAN TAY
Wei shi er shi lun ben, Wei shi er shi lun shu ji, Er shi wei shi lun shu, He kan. 唯識二十論本/唯識二十論述記/二十唯識論合刊
The compilation of texts, commentaries and explanations of Vimśatikāvijñaptimātratāsiddhi
Wang, Enyang, Vasubandhu.

Wang Enyang.
Hong Kong : Institute of Maitreya Studies 2013 Kārikā by Bodhisattva Vasubandhu, Commentaries by Master Kuiji, Explanations by Upāsaka Wang Enyang; Appendix : Fo jiao dui zhon guo xue shu de ying xiang (The impact of Buddhism on Chinese academic tradition) BQ 3045 WAN
Yin ming ru zheng li lun dao du. 因明入正理論導讀
A study guide to Nyāyapraveśa
Li, Runsheng (Yun-sang Lee), Śaṅkarasvāmin, active 6th century.

Wang, Lianzhang (Andrew Luen-Cheung Wong).
Hong Kong : Institute of Maitreya Studies 2013 Appendix : Nyāyapraveśa, Zangyao (Essentials of Tripitaka) Editio. BQ 3203 .CH LI
Wei shi jiang yi. 唯識講義
Lectures on Vijñaptimātratā
Ouyang, Jingwu (Ouyang, Jian)

Wang, Lianzhang (Andrew Luen-Cheung Wong).
Hong Kong : Institute of Maitreya Studies 2013 Appendix: Explanation of the Mottos of Chinese Academy Institute of Inner Studies, Chapter 1 - The Role of a Teacher BQ 7494 .O94 OUY
Neng duan jin gang bo re bo luo mi duo jing zuan shi. 能斷金剛般若波羅蜜多經纂釋
A compilation and exposition of Vajracchedikāprajñāpāramitāsūtra
Luo, Shixian, Lo, Sze-hin

[zuo zhe Luo Shixian].
Hong Kong : Institute of Maitreya Studies 2013 Reprint. First published : Jiulong : Fo jiao fa xiang xue hui, 1975. BQ 1997 LUO
Yu qie shi di lun jie pin zuan shi. 瑜伽師地論纂釋
The compilation and exposition of the Śīla chapter of Yogācārabhūmiśāstra
Tang, Xiangming, Asaṅga.

Upāsaka Tang Xiangming.
Hong Kong : Institute of Maitreya Studies 2013 BQ 3055 .CH TAN