Photo by Pavel Neznanov on Unsplash
Chaired by SGI-UK Youth Division Leader, Koichi Samuels, three inspiring speakers share Buddhist creative responses to the climate emergency in three short talks followed by a Q&A. Guest speakers include Dr. Arianna Sdei (Architect and Sustainability Consultant) who speaks on 'Towards Zero Carbon Architecture', Dr. Louise Squire (Specialist Tutor, University of Portsmouth) who speaks on 'Fiction, Ecology and the Buddhist view of Death' and, Dr. Emilia Terracciano (Art Historian, University of Manchester) who speaks on 'In the company of trees: making sense of learning and living in an ecologically-damaged world'.
Watch the webinar recording here - https://sgi-uk.org/Climate-Change/Bodhisattvas-for-the-Earth/Webinars/February-2021